Newfound is my personal brand identity. This is currently a work in progress project that began in my free time at the beginning of  September. The brand consists of a word mark as the primary brand asset and a sub-mark that represents the brands meaning and character. The wordmark was created with fully custom lettering inspired by Irish typeface design such as the Irish Penny font and Tuam by Jarlath Hayes. 
The objective of this design project was to create an energetic, bold and exciting brand that represents my passion for design and typography. Included in the brand is a sub-mark consisting of an asterisk and an 'x' representing the words new and found. This is also a true reflection of my design style and also where I get my inspiration from which is mainly modernist design. 
My initial sketches (above) showing some of my ideas for the brand identity. Also a working sketch for the custom type design (below). 
In regards to colour I went for an electric blue, warm grey, Mexican pink, and a light gold/peach colour. In terms of typography I chose New Science and Tenon. 

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